-NDTV Shares in DLF, India's biggest Real Estate developer, slumped to a low of Rs. 229.50 Monday, indicating an over 5 per cent cut from Friday's close. Last week, anti-corruption activists Arvind Kejriwal and Prashant Bhushan had alleged that DLF had gifted Robert Vadra, the son-in-law of Congress President Sonia Gandhi, a 65-crore interest-free loan and sweetheart deals on a series of apartments in Gurgaon. DLF shares traded at the bottom of...
We are not passing a judgment, Robert Vadra needs to answer, Arvind Kejriwal says
-IANS Anti-corruption activist Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday stuck to his allegations against Robert Vadra, son-in-law of Congress chief Sonia Gandhi, saying he had just put certain facts in public domain which need to be answered. India Against Corruption (IAC) leader Kejriwal and his lawyer colleague Prashant Bhushan alleged on Friday that Vadra had bought property in Gurgaon and other places at below market rates and sold them at a huge profit. "We are...
More »Kejriwal breaks ‘Omerta Code’ on DLF-Vadra ‘sweetheart deal’ by Venky Vembu
-First Post They came in waves, like silent armies that move in the night. Each of the Congress Ministers and party leaders who were seen studio-hopping or otherwise implanting themselves in front of cameras late on Friday had been assigned a specific role: to defend the First Family of Indian politics against the most audacious allegation of corruption levelled by Arvind Kejriwal and Prashant Bhushan, the two Johnny-come-latelys to the world...
More »Agriculture back in focus as growth estimate gets downgraded by banks like Morgan Stanley, Standard Chartered-Gayatri Nayak
-The Economic Times When the country was growing at more than 8 per cent for about a decade, services and manufacturing were the darlings of policy-makers, investors and talking heads. Agriculture, a segment that employs nearly half the hundred crore population of the country, was hardly mentioned even in passing. This year, thanks to a poor monsoon, suddenly the farmers are the centre of India's growth story, or the lack of...
More »Competition Commission of India readying TV ad campaign against cartelisation- Shruti Choudhury
-The Economic Times A nation intermittently bombarded over the past several decades by messages highlighting the dangers of smoking, the cruelty of crackers or the crime of dowry is about to get a new one, this time on the perils of cartelisation. A message that mirrors as much as it seeks to address the concerns of a globalising India and a changing society at a time the national discourse is dominated by...
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