-The Hindu Cash in circulation and ATM withdrawals have only increased, RBI data shows Thursday, November 8, marks the second anniversary of the demonetisation exercise. It was on the same day in 2016 that Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that ?1,000 and ?500 currency notes would no longer be legal tender. These notes constituted over 86% of the currency in circulation, then. One of the objectives of demonetisation was to move to a...
Maharashtra farmer suicides have nearly doubled under BJP govt, drought to blame -Manasi Phadke
-ThePrint.in Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis says his govt has tried to handle the drought situation, but any farmer suicide remains a matter of concern. Mumbai: Farmer suicides in Maharashtra have nearly doubled in the four years of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led government, despite a surge in the overall expenditure on the agriculture sector. Data from the state’s relief and rehabilitation department shows that 11,225 farmer suicides were recorded between January 2015 and...
More »PM-AASHA scheme falls flat; procurement backed by smart exports is need of the hour -Sanjay Kaul
-The Hindu Business Line A month into kharif arrivals, there has been no positive turn of events for farmers. Cereals, pulses and oilseeds are selling well below the Minimum Support Price (MSP) in mandis. The government seems to have failed them with the shoddily designed PM-AASHA scheme and its inadequate implementation till now. Immediate steps are required to prevent a recurrence of farmers’ anger spilling onto the streets. The umbrella policy Pradhan...
More »Green tax helped Delhi collect hundreds of crores for buses. So where are they? -Priyamvada Grover
-ThePrint.in The Arvind Kejriwal govt is believed to have collected around Rs 1,800 cr till September 2018, but Delhi is yet to get new buses. New Delhi: The winter months are back with the suffocating blanket of smog that has now become a Delhi fixture, but crucial steps that can help check the capital’s notorious pollution problem continue to hang fire. A fund running into hundreds of crores of rupees is reportedly lying...
More »Punjab: Over 2,500 stubble burning cases so far, figure likely to shoot up -Raakhi Jagga
-The Indian Express As per the data available with nodal officer Dinesh Singla, who is Executive Engineer, PPCB, a total of 2589 fire incidents have been reported in Punjab this paddy season till October 21 in which Amritsar tops with 535 cases, followed by Tarn Taran with 494 cases. Ludhiana: WITH JUST one-fourth of the total estimated paddy arrival in mandis till now, a total of 2589 fire incidents have been reported...
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