-The Indian Express Of the Rs 80,310 crore the 26 states allotted to SCSP schemes in 2012-13, when the UPA government was in power at the Centre, Rs 61,480 crore was spent. WITH various political parties staking claim to the legacy of Dr B R Ambedkar on his 125th birth anniversary, the latest annual report by the Scheduled Caste Commission has found that almost all states have failed to honour their budgetary...
Draft bill on transgenders’ rights sent to law ministry
-Hindustan Times The Social Justice and empowerment ministry has decided to go ahead with a bill which seeks to provide recognition to transgenders and protect their rights despite other ministries “failing” to send their comments on it during the inter-ministerial consultation process. It has sent the draft bill on the ‘Rights of Transgender Persons Bill, 2016’ to the law ministry for finalisation before it is sent to the cabinet for approval. “The draft...
More »Dalit educator’s death pushes Barmer village back in time -Vaibhav Jha
-Hindustan Times Barmer (Rajasthan): The last time clouds of despair descended on Trimohi, a hamlet in Rajasthan’s Barmer district about half a kilometre from the Pakistan border, was during the 1971 war. This time, the pain is a lot more personal. Delta Meghwal, 17, the first Dalit girl from the village to pursue higher education, was found dead in a water tank of the Jain Adarsh Teachers’ Training Institute for Girls in...
More »'Ministry's reply on marital rape was an oversight'
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The women and child development ministry (WCD) has written to the Rajya Sabha seeking to withdraw its response on marital rape describing it as an "oversight." The fresh response that the ministry is likely to put before Parliament is that the issue is under law commission's consideration. WCD minister Maneka Gandhi's response to a Parliament question in Rajya Sabha terming marital rape as a concept unsuited...
More »Marital rape: Maneka Gandhi says need data to make it criminal offence -Shalini Nair
-The Indian Express Section 375 of IPC, which deals with rape, makes an exception for such instances within marriages. It holds that “sexual intercourse by a man with his own wife, the wife not being under 15 years of age, is not rape”. In her first statement following her ministry’s controversial reply to Rajya Sabha on marital rape, Woman and Child Development (WCD) Minister Maneka Gandhi has said that her ministry could...
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