-The Hindu The UP govt will also settle around Rs. 6,000 crore of NPAs of 7 lakh small and marginalised farmers. Lucknow: The Yogi Adityanath-led BJP government in Uttar Pradesh, at its first Cabinet meeting on Tuesday, announced its decision to waive farmers’ loans worth Rs. 30,729 crore, writing off all farm loans up to Rs. 1 lakh. The government will also settle around Rs. 6,000 crore of NPAs of seven lakh...
Swim against funding tide -Charu Sudan Kasturi
-The Telegraph New Delhi: A clutch of legal amendments the Narendra Modi government has introduced to allow corporate political donors to mask their contributions drags the world's largest democracy against global currents of rising transparency in electoral funding, analysts and activists have warned. From Brazil to Bangladesh, and Croatia to Cyprus, countries of diverse sizes and varied histories with democracy have over the past decade adopted laws and rules aimed at making...
More »Loan waiver leaves Indian farmers trapped in deadly debt spiral -Bibhudatta Pradhan & Pratik Parija
-Livemint.com Narendra Modi’s election promise in Uttar Pradesh comes back to haunt as other states demand the Union govt offer an agriculture bailout package across the country New Delhi: An election promise to farmers in the politically sensitive state of Uttar Pradesh is coming back to haunt Prime Minister Narendra Modi, as other states demand the Union government offer an agriculture bailout package across the country. During the hard-fought election campaign, Modi pledged...
More »Does the Banking System Really Want to Help Farmers? -Devinder Sharma
-TheWire.in The corporate sector is responsible for 70% of the country’s NPAs, but their loans are being waived off while waiving farming loans is still being frowned upon. The Gujarat government gave a loan of Rs 456.79 crore to the Tatas to set up the Nano plant at Sanand, near Ahmedabad. The Gujarat government has acknowledged that the massive loan was given at an interest of 0.1%, to be paid back in...
More »Farm loan waiver is no solution for Indian agriculture
-Livemint.com In the case of repeated farm loan waivers, it makes sense for borrowers to default strategically Hope: The Narendra Modi government says it wants to double farm income by 2022 through the transformation of Indian agriculture. Reality: The political discourse continues to focus perversely on farm loan waivers. Here are some recent instances. The new Bharatiya Janata Party government in Uttar Pradesh is considering a farm loan waiver as promised in its election...
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