-The Hindu Here is a classic case that will reveal how the “high-handedness” of a few officials has affected the lives of two Dalit women in Udupi. The two women, Akku and Leela, have put in about four decades of service at the Government Women Teachers’ Training Institute on a monthly salary of Rs. 15. Although they were promised that their services would be regularised, they did not get any benefits even...
A salary plan that changes nothing -Maya John
-The Hindu Recently during a press conference called by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, the Minister of State (Independent Charge), Krishna Tirath, proposed the formulation of a bill through which a certain percentage of a husband’s salary would be compulsorily transferred to his wife’s bank account to compensate her for all the domestic work she performs for the family. According to the Minister, this percentage of husbands’ salaries would...
More »Bihar: SIC asks Home to produce defiant BDO -Santosh Singh
-The Indian Express Patna: In a first, Bihar’s State Information Commission has asked the Home department to produce before it a “defiant” Block Development Officer, who has failed to respond to as many as nine summons sent over two years. The SIC has been hearing the case of a BDO, who, despite being the designated public information officer, has not replied to a query by an applicant on why and how many...
More »Maruti offers 70% hike to workers over three years
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Nearly two months after workers went on the rampage at its Manesar plant, Maruti Suzuki has doled out a bumper increment package in a new wage settlement agreement, offering salary increment of nearly 70%, apart from other benefits like interest-free personal loans. The agreement has been accepted by the company's labour union. S Y Siddiqui, Maruti's chief operating officer (administration ), said the company has signed...
More »Feel-good bills in offing to make up for harsh steps
-The Hindustan Times In the face of public outrage over a series of unpopular fiscal steps such as hike in diesel prices and cap on LPG, the government plans to come out with two feel-good initiatives — the food security bill and health cover for all. The UPA’s flagship National Food Security Bill would give 67% of the population (nearly 800 million people) a legal right to foodgrains at less than half the...
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