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BIMARU States Are Progressing, Says PM

-Outlook New Delhi: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today said rural per capita consumption has increased four times faster than earlier due to enhanced economic prosperity in rural areas and BIMARU states have witnessed progress. "Many states which had been considered backward for a long time, with some of them being called BIMARU are now progressing," Singh said in his Independence Day address to the nation. The BIMARU states are four northern Indian states...

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Irrational poverty figures -Devinder Sharma

-Deccan Herald My house help asked me the other day: "Sahib ji, TV news tells me those earning more than Rs 1,000 a month are not poor. How can this be true? Although I am earning Rs 5,000 every month working at your home, I mop up your floor and wash your dishes. If I was rich why should I be doing cleaning job here?" Mohan used to be a helper in...

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Government plans fresh impetus to 'public-private partnership' to push Growth -Yogima Seth Sharma

-The Economics Times NEW DELHI: The government plans to give a fresh impetus to public-private partnership by overhauling the framework for such projects on the basis of a study being undertaken by the Planning Commission, which is likely to submit its recommendations within a month. The move comes after a few big PPP projects in infrastructure sector fell apart while those in the power sector have been struggling to sail through. "We...

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Consensus on nullifying apex court order against convicted lawmakers -B Muralidhar Reddy

-The Hindu SC verdict disqualified MPs and MLAs convicted in criminal case , barred those in custody from polls New Delhi: Parties across the political spectrum have agreed to amend the Representation of the People Act to overturn a Supreme Court verdict barring people in police or judicial custody from contesting elections. At an all-party meeting here on Tuesday, the government also received backing for its proposal to amend the Act to...

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Why promotion is better than protection-Martin Ravallion

-The Indian Express To reduce poverty, India needs to concentrate on promoting healthcare and education of the poor It is sometimes argued that a country such as India, aiming to eliminate absolute poverty, should only be concerned about economic Growth, and not worry about inequality. Is that right? Yes, Growth is (typically) good for the poor but it is no less true that inequality is (typically) bad for the poor. There is little...

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