A RESEARCHER WORKING on the State of Panchayats Report (SOPR) 2008-09 met Mahangu Madiya in Chhattisgarh’s Bastar district, a dangerous place for gathering data. Madiya’s story was startling. In January, he was given Rs 55 lakh compensation for his land, but the amount is sitting in his bank account. He does not even own a mobile phone. “I am concerned with farming. My land is important to me. What will I...
We, the 116 crore people by Vidya Krishnan
Every year, India adds the population of Australia to its already staggering ranks of 116.1 crore people. Every 10 years, we add the population of Brazil — the fifth most populous country in the world. As yet another World Population Day comes around on July 11, and India stands poised to eclipse China as the most populous country of the world, the government is gingerly attempting to bring incentive-based family planning...
More »250 crore for Urban Employment Scheme by Indrani Dutta
The West Bengal government has allocated Rs 250 crore for introducing a scheme for generating employment for the urban youth, on the lines of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. State Finance Minister Asim Dasgupta said that funds allocated for this purpose this year may be augmented according to requirement. Similar schemes have been declared in Tripura and Kerala as well. The scheme, announced by Dr Dasgupta during his budget...
More »Food crisis – how prepared is India? by Saurab Bhat
The recent spike in world food prices has further widened the gap between the developed and the developing economies. While, over 70 per cent of the world's population resides in poor countries, it has access to less than 40 per cent of the world's resources such as water, irrigated land, power, etc. This is a result of inconsistent economic progress (post-colonialisation birth pangs), rampant population growth and distractions such as...
More »Govt proposes NREGA-like urban job plan
Government has proposed to launch an urban employment guarantee scheme on the lines of NREGA and give statutory sanctions to minimum wages. The proposal, which focuses on generating employment and enhancing employability among less advantaged, is part of the short-term strategies and targets of the government contained in the first Annual Report to the People on Employment. At present, states are under no obligation to implement revision of minimum wages...
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