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Machines drive 90% of power in farming, humans’ share drops to 5% -Subodh Varma

-The Times of India Silently, agriculture in India has gone through a far-reaching change in the past few decades. The share of human power available for carrying out the myriad operations in farming has shrunk to a mere 5% as has that of draught animals, the iconic oxen pulling the plough. More than 90% of the power is now drawn from mechanical sources: tractors and power tillers provide the bulk, 47%;...

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New solar-powered pump promises to end farmers' irrigation woes

-PTI Vadodara: The farmers in the country can do away with their dependence on conventional forms of energy for operating pumps to water their fields as a private company has come up with a solar-energy operated pump, which will also reduce environment pollution. ABB India has developed a solar-powered water pump for irrigating crops with rural India facing problems in the supply of electricity and availability of diesel for operating gensets. "ABB solar...

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Roadmap to Tackle Under-Nutrition Among Tribal Children

-Business Standard The Government accords priority to the issue of nutrition, particularly in respect of children, adolescent and women of poorer sections of the society including tribal population and has been implementing several schemes/programmes of various Ministries/Departments through State Governments/UTs. These schemes, interalia, include Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) of Ministry of Women and Child Development, National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Mid Day Meals...

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Case for proper crop insurance scheme -Devinder Sharma

-Deccan Herald Make new entrants provide 40 per cent risk coverage to the farming sector on a household basis. Unseasonal rains and strong winds that lashed the entire north-western region have done immense damage to the standing crops. The Union Ministry of Agriculture has estimated damage to standing crops in 50 lakh hectares in Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Maharashtra. Coming after an extended...

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Rain dashes farmers’ hopes -Firoz Rozindar

-The Hindu Minister orders survey within two days Vijayapura (Karnataka): Pointing to his grape farm, which has been virtually devastated in the rains that lashed the district on Monday, Shantaram Shirol says that his only hope to recover loss is if the government offers some compensation. "Just see this damaged crop. If that remains in the field for two more days, forget people, even the cattle will not consume it," he said. Mr. Shirol...

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