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Funds for short-term crop loans cut, 10.5 lakh farmers to be hit -Sarbjit Dhaliwal

-The Tribune Chandigarh: The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has imposed a cut of Rs. 3,400 crore on the allocation made to the state to advance short-term crop loans. The loans are advanced twice in a year for rabi and kharif crops. At least 10.5 lakh farmers are expected to be hit hard. These loans are advanced on half-yearly basis through Agriculture cooperative societies. On an average, NABARD used to...

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MNREGA comes as boon to farmers, landless labourers in this village -TV Sivanandan

-The Hindu Honna Kiranagi GP takes up work on planting saplings KALABURAGI (Karnataka): The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA) has come as a saviour for hundreds of agricultural labourers and small and marginal farmers in Honna Kiranagi village in Kalaburagi district. As farmers were not able to take up sowing for the kharif season owing to the failure of the south west monsoon this year, landless agricultural labourers and small...

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Many degrees of hopelessness in India's villages -Harsh Mander

-Hindustan Times The picture of rural Indian life today that emerges from what is probably the world's largest study ever of household deprivation is sobering and sombre. It describes a massive hinterland still imprisoned in persisting endemic impoverishment, want, illiteracy and indeed hopelessness. It tells a story that every thinking and caring Indian must heed. Advocates of free markets, opposed to building a welfare state, have long argued that accelerated market-led economic...

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Dr. Vikas Rawal, Associate Professor at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, speaks to FAO

-FAO September’s post-2015 development agenda summit of heads of state and government may well attract global headlines this year, but much of the really significant work is being executed behind the scenes. As statisticians lock heads to come up with a workable indicator framework to measure and monitor the ambitious Agenda, Vikas Rawal, Associate Professor at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, describes the make-up...

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Monsoon improves, but pockets remain dry -Sanjeeb Mukherjee

-Business Standard Skymet says rains will be normal in August Southwest monsoon has shown marked improvement over central and eastern parts of India in the past few days, narrowing the cumulative deficiency for July to 15 per cent from a high of 50 per cent. However, the situation is worrisome in parts of central Maharashtra, Marathwada, Rayalseema region of Andhra Pradesh, some districts of Telangana, and north interior Karnataka, where the total seasonal...

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