-The Hindu Bench orders Rs. 10 lakh each for two girls, who were gang-raped in February last at Betma in Indore The Supreme Court on Monday directed the Madhya Pradesh government to pay as compensation Rs.10 lakh each to two girls, who were gang-raped in February last year at Betma in Indore district. A Bench of Justices R.M. Lodha and Madan B. Lokur passed the order on an appeal filed by the 84-year-old...
Enough transparency without RTI: Govt
-The Telegraph New Delhi: When the Union cabinet yesterday decided to amend the Right to Information Act to exempt political parties from its ambit, it argued that citizens already have several legal avenues to find out about the donations the parties receive and details of their poll candidates. The cabinet approved the draft bill to be introduced in the coming Parliament session to amend the 2005 act, excluding political parties from the...
More »Bigger the criminal charge, fatter the politician's wallet: Study -Himanshi Dhawan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Money and muscle power not only help to win elections but also help in making politics a rather profitable affair. An analysis by the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) for the last decade shows that 62,847 candidates had average assets of Rs 1.37 crore. But candidates who won elections had average assets of Rs 3.83 crore. What's more interesting is that the wealth of legislators who...
More »Study tracks how crime can translate into poll success
-The Indian Express An analysis of Affidavits submitted by candidates in parliamentary and assembly elections since 2004 shows that a higher proportion of those with a criminal record were elected than from among those without such a record. The study found that only 12 per cent of those with a clean record won, which it described as their chances of winning, as against 23 per cent of those who a serious...
More »They still clean toilets and can't bear their own stink -Sukanya Shantha
-The Indian Express Pandharpur: Jaya Waghela, 52, spends more than an hour cleaning herself every morning. But the soap and water cannot wash off the stench of human faeces she cleans everyday with her broom at 600-odd public toilets along the banks of the river Bhima in Pandharpur district of Maharashtra. "The stench is so overbearing that it has killed my appetite," says Waghela, who has stayed away from her kitchen since...
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