-The Hindu Government sources told The Hindu that at PDS packaging centres, new unbranded bags were being replaced with used ones. Jute bags meant for packaging of foodgrains under the Public Distribution System (PDS) allegedly provided their manufacturers — in league with some officials of procuring State government agencies, quality insurance inspectors and middlemen — an opportunity to siphon off thousands of crores in government revenue. So serious is the scam that the...
SC agrees to Rs 1,300 tax on polluting trucks -Dhananjay Mahapatra
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: In a bid to reduce the capital's high air pollution levels, the Supreme Court on Friday said it would order levying of a pollution tax of Rs 1,300 on heavy trucks and Rs 700 on light commercial vehicles to deter the smoke-spewing vehicles from entering the city. The court said it would pronounce the order on Monday and review the pollution situation in four months. The...
More »Dear Government, We're Choking. Want To Help? -IP Bajpai
-NDTV Why is it that every time anything has to be done about pollution in our cities or in fact large environmental issues, elected governments do very little and it needs the Supreme Court (or other courts) to intervene? Between 1998 and 2001 the Supreme Court issued orders on pollution in Delhi NINETEEN times. On Monday, they intervened again and asked why tolls cannot be imposed on trucks passing through Delhi to...
More »Smart cities or smart pilots? -Nitin Sethi & Ishan Bakshi
-Business Standard No 'smart city' will be created in the next five years, though a successful programme could see several smart colonies come up across the country The National Democratic Alliance government's ambitious Smart Cities programme will at best be able set up only 100 pilot projects in the first five years. Contrary to general perception, no 'smart city' will be created in the next five years, though a successful programme could...
More »Digital India needs to go local -Amit Prakash
-The Hindu Digital infrastructure may not be of much help in addressing governance and development concerns unless it is integrated into the wider structural and institutional reforms Digital India is the flavour of the season, and not without any reason. Digital technologies have permeated into more and more aspects of our private and public life spaces. A lot of us increasingly depend on them to order groceries, book a taxi ride or train...
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