-The Hindu New Delhi: Stepping up its scrutiny of NGOs, especially their financial dealings, the Centre has made obtaining unique identification numbers and registering them on the NITI Aayog portal, including the details of the Aadhaar and PAN numbers of all their trustees and office- bearers, mandatory for them to apply for grants from any ministry. The decision was taken by the Aayog at its meeting on May 9, which Prime Minister...
Environment Ministry’s rules for polluters in India, copied word for word from the US -Jay Mazoomdaar
-The Indian Express The Ministry notified and put up the draft on its website on May 10, inviting public feedback over a two-month window. New Delhi: More than three quarters of the Environment Ministry’s Environment Supplement Plan (ESP) — around 2,900 words of the 3,850-word draft — is a direct lift from the Supplemental Environmental Projects Policy (SEP) document adopted by the United States in March 2015. The draft Notification proposes to allow...
More »Rajasthan pensioners declared dead, come to Delhi with appeal -Naveed Iqbal
-The Indian Express Given their advanced age, navigating different government offices is a struggle for most. Having sat on protest outside Shahid Smarak in Jaipur for 22 days in June along with hundreds of others and trying to prove to the Rajasthan government that they are alive, Hanja Devi, 83, arrived in the national capital on Friday. Her demand remains the same — that the state government listen to them and revive...
More »Prices of 42 essential drugs slashed by 15%
-PTI Prices of 42 essential medicines used in treatment of various ailments including tuberculosis, cancer, cardiac diseases, asthma, epilepsy and depression have been capped by the government, reducing their cost by up to 15 per cent. Drug price regulator, National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA), in a Notification on its website, said it “has fixed/revised ceiling prices of 45 scheduled formulations of Schedule-I under Drugs (Price Control) Amendment Order, 2016.” “Out of the 45,...
More »Letting them off easy -Manju Menon & Kanchi Kohli
-The Hindu In the newly proposed draft Notification seeking to amend the Environment Impact Assessment, the Central government offers a way out to those who have violated environmental norms The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF) has issued a draft Notification seeking to amend the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) of 2006, allowing those who violate this law to continue work with an Environment Supplement Plan (ESP). This is the first...
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