-PTI The maximum cases were reported from West Bengal (15.1 per cent) during 2016. A total of 55,944 children were traced at the end of the year 2016 in the country. Crime against children in India has increased by a sharp 11 per cent between 2015 and 2016 , according to the latest data released by the National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB). Going by absolute numbers, it’s an increase of 12,786 reported...
25 million child marriages prevented in last decade: Unicef report
-Hindustan Times Increasing rates of girls’ education, proactive government investments in adolescent girls, and strong public messaging around the illegality of child marriage and the harm it causes attributed to the shift. From one in four to approximately one in five, child marriages have seen a decline world over in the past 10 years, a Unicef report released on Monday said. The proportion of women who were married as children decreased by 15%...
More »When women stopped eating leftovers -Himanshi Dhawan
-The Times of India There is a saying in Harendragarh, a tribal village 50 km from Rajasthan’s Banswara town, that if a man eats the last rotla (chapatti) he will fall ill. So by default the last rotla, thinner than the rest and made from leftover dough along with the stale remains of the dal or vegetable made that day, would land on the plate of the woman of the house....
More »Mid-Day Meal in Himachal: Kitchens of Casteism -Priyanka Ishwari
-Hind Kisan In the hill state, only 16 percent of the cooks working under the school meal programme are Dalits. This is an appalling figure in a state where they make one-fourth of the population. Caste is a stronger divider in this picturesque Himachali village of Saraha than the river which cuts across dividing it into two halves. The west bank hosts mostly Dalit houses and the upper castes have occupied...
More »Midday meal split call to beat hunger -Basant Kumar Mohanty
-The Telegraph New Delhi: A pilot study on the midday meal scheme has recommended splitting it into light snacks and a light meal because it found that 70 per cent children in government schools were coming to class on an empty stomach and failing to focus on studies. The study, conducted by the NGO Swami Sivananda Memorial Institute in the Sohawal and Masauda blocks of Faizabad district in Uttar Pradesh, reported that...
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