-The Hindu The Justice Verma Committee formed to look into crimes against women on Wednesday ruled against recommending the death penalty even in the rarest of the rare Rape Cases, and also did not favour lowering the age of a juvenile from 18 to 16. The committee, which was tasked with suggesting legal reforms to deal with sexual assault cases, however said the minimum sentence for a rapist should be enhanced from...
‘I was raped by cops multiple times’
-The Hindustan Times I am a 21-year-old transgender — a woman trapped in the body of a man. I am an outcast, abhorred by society. My family disowned me when I told them I wanted to live like a woman. I am pursuing BA from DU through correspondence. To earn a living, I became a sex worker. There was no other option as no one was willing to give me work....
More »Looking forward
-The Indian Express The Delhi gangrape that set off waves of determined protest may now be on the way to bringing enduring change. The government-appointed committee, headed by Justice J.S. Verma, to consider ways in which women’s safety and freedoms were at risk, and how they could be strengthened, has submitted its report within a month. Now, it is up to the political class to assess and implement these suggestions with...
More »Don't allow Armymen to take cover under AFSPA, says Verma -Smriti Kak Ramachandran
-The Hindu “Personnel guilty of sexual offences in conflict areas should be tried under ordinary criminal law” The Justice J.S. Verma Committee, set up to suggest amendments to laws relating to crimes against women, has recommended review of the continuance of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) in the context of extending legal protection to women in conflict areas. “There is an imminent need to review the continuance of the AFSPA and...
More »Justice Verma panel suggests amendments to AFSPA
-The Times of India Taking strong cognizance of sexual offences committed by armed forces personnel in conflict zones, Justice J S Verma committee report has not only recommended amendments to the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) but even questioned its continuance in such areas. The report has recommended that the Act's provision of seeking sanction from the central government before initiating any legal action against an armed forces personnel should be...
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