-The Indian Express EC had asked the central bank to relax the weekly bank withdrawal limit from Rs 24,000 to Rs 2 lakh for candidates contesting elections in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Goa and Manipur. New Delhi: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has shot down the Election Commission’s (EC) proposal to relax the weekly withdrawal limit for those contesting the Assembly elections, prompting an angry reaction from the poll panel, which...
EC renews plea to RBI for higher cash withdrawals
-The Hindu EC expresses "serious concern about the cursory manner in which the issue has been dealt with" The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has turned down the Election Commission’s request to enhance the cash withdrawal limit for nominated candidates in the five poll-bound States, from Rs. 24,000 to Rs. 2 lakh per week, till the declaration of results on March 11. Asking the RBI to reconsider, the EC on Saturday again wrote...
More »Cash withdrawal curbs may be lifted by Feb. -end
-The Hindu With the cash crunch situation easing, Reserve Bank of India may do away with the weekly withdrawal limits from banks as well as ATMs by the end of next month, bankers said. The RBI had recently raised the ATM withdrawal limit to Rs. 10,000 a day but maintained the weekly cap at Rs. 24,000 for savings account and Rs. 1 lakh for current account holders. “I think the restrictions on withdrawal...
More »Modi govt went ahead with demonetisation despite RBI concerns: report -Rajesh Kumar Singh and Suvashree Choudhury
-Livemint.com RBI’s testimony to parliamentary panel shows the bank had warned the government of possible inconvenience to the public for some time New Delhi/ Mumbai: India pushed ahead with its decision to demonetise high-value banknotes even as the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) own board expressed concern whether the cash could be replaced quickly enough, the central bank has said in written testimony to parliament. The revelation comes amid growing criticism about whether...
More »Government spends Rs 3.09 per Rs 500 currency note: RTI
-IANS RBI buys the currency notes from the Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Pvt Ltd Mumbai: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) spends Rs 3.09 for each Rs 500 note as cost towards paper, printing and other charges, an RTI query has revealed. The information was given here on Friday to Mumbai Right To Information activist Anil Galgali on his query on the printing costs incurred by the government for printing Rs 500...
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