-The Hindu Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on Monday confirmed to a section of the Opposition that the Union government had decided to put on hold the move to allow foreign equity in the multi-brand retail sector, pending further consultations. The issue has stalled Parliament since November 25. However, it is not immediately clear whether this is enough to break the deadlock. On Monday, Mr. Mukherjee called up BJP leaders L.K. Advani and...
Opposition parties unrelenting over retail FDI issue
-The Hindu In a bid to break the impasse over foreign direct investment (FDI) in multi-brand retail, the government made a vain attempt on Wednesday night to persuade the Opposition to tone down the wording of its motion. But it was told in categorical terms that the demand for a rollback of the decision was non-negotiable. The Opposition stance was conveyed by the Working President of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) and...
More »PM leads counter-attack on retail by Sanjay K Jha
Manmohan Singh today refused to yield to pressure on the question of allowing foreign direct investment in retail and appeared ready for a protracted battle, including the risk of a vote in Parliament despite his government’s fragile majority. Somewhat reminiscent of his nuclear deal stand, the Prime Minister confronted those who had accused the government of taking a hasty decision on retail. “We have not taken this decision in haste, but after...
More »The weak link in child development
-The Business Standard Vimla Devi is a committed anganwadi worker (AWW) in a remote village in Uttar Pradesh, the most populated state of India. Anganwadi is a village level institution under Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS), one of the most talked about flagship programmes of the Indian Government. She is also the weakest link in a critical programme, which is underfunded, says Shantanu Gupta in the first of field-data reports, the...
More »Opposition wants floor test for FDI in retail
-The Hindu Parliament logjam continues The government and the Opposition hardened their stance on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the multi-brand retail sector, as Parliament remained disrupted for the third day on Tuesday on the issue. A meeting convened by Leader of the House and Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee to reach out to the Opposition on the issue, 90 minutes before Parliament began its session, proved nothing more than a ritual. The entire Opposition...
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