A total of Rs 3,79,29,000 have been paid to the unskilled workers under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme MGNREGA so far in the state, said Union Minister for Rural Development Dr C P.Joshi informed Shantaram Naik MP in a written reply to the question asked by him in the Rajya Sabha on the subject. Minister said that at the time of commencement of the scheme wage rate in Goa...
A Deadly Misdiagnosis by Michael Specter
Every afternoon at about four, a slight woman named Runi slips out of the cramped, airless room that she shares with her husband and their sixteen children. She skirts the drainage ditch in front of the building, then walks toward the pile of hardened dung cakes that people in this slum on the edge of the northeastern Indian city of Patna use for fuel. Dressed in a bright-yellow sari shot...
More »Gehlot writes to Manmohan for higher wages under rural jobs scheme
Rajasthan wiling to pay enhanced wages to workers ‘Demand justified as CPI has risen to 924 points' Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has accepted in principle the demand for enhancement of the wages of workers under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme as per the recently revised minimum wage rates in the State. However, the catch is that the Centre holds the key to any hike in the job scheme...
More »For whom the bell tolls by Moushumi Basu
It is imperative that the committee constituted to look into charges of corruption in the Commonwealth Games should also include violations of labour laws within its purview. One of the more blatant and visible scams of the recently concluded Commonwealth Games relates to how the thousands of workers who worked on the games construction sites were denied minimum wages, safety equipment, housing and other benefits constitutionally due to them. In an interview...
More »In the shadow of abuse, exploitation by Cordelia Jenkins & Malia Politzer
Bardani Logun sits on a plastic chair in the communal room of a hostel in Rohini, north Delhi, where she lives with her toddler, and speaks candidly about being beaten, abused and starved. She is one of countless young women from the tribal belt of India who have migrated to Delhi to find work as live-in maids, hoping to send their earnings back home to support impoverished families in Jharkhand, Orissa,...
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