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Delhi's Anganwadi Centres Need a Complete Overhaul and Renewed Funding -Abinash Dash Choudhury and Sweta Dash With one of the highest undernutrition rates of children in urban areas, Delhi needs to tackle the issue of severely stunted children in the city who don't have access to proper infrastructure and facilities at local anganwadi centres. New Delhi: It is an early summer morning in North Delhi’s Kabir Basti. A dingy and crowded lane of the settlement, with puddles from water leakages in broken pipes, opens up to a...

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It's time to take stock of the electoral process -SY Quraishi

-The Hindu The general election saw serious questions being posed to the Election Commission. The 17th Lok Sabha must deliberate on them The biggest election in the world has finally come to a successful end for which the three Election Commissioners and their 12 million staff deserve appreciation. Unfortunately, what deserved to be remembered as a subject of national PRIde became mired in several controversies. At the top of the list was...

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Nationalism trumps drought in Marathwada -Kavitha Iyer & Parthasarathi Biswas

-The Indian Express Across these regions, where mitigation measures to tackle a grave water and fodder scarcity had barely begun during the election campaign, BJP leaders had run a campaign almost entirely on issues of national security, the Pulwama attack and the Balakot airstrike. Mumbai/ Pune: Shrugging off the impact of a crippling drought, anger at slow drought relief measures and years of poor PRIce realisations for most major farm produce,...

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NDA trounces agrarian crisis to win rural areas -Jitendra

-Down to Earth Despite the rural hinterland being in the throes of agrarian distress, the incumbent coalition has won handsomely in these very areas The incumbent Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) has beaten all odds to win the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. Prominent among these odds was the agrarian crisis that rural India is currently in the throes of. Since 2014, the country has suffered two major droughts and 850-odd...

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India's economy: broad hints of causes for worry

-The Telegraph Inflation and a poor monsoon may add to our woes in an economy already plagued with high unemployment and low demand The ministry of commerce has released the latest data on wholesale PRIce index inflation. The data on food inflation have attracted attention as it soared to a 33-month high in APRIl 2019. However, this rate of inflation is still moderate at 7.4 per cent. The inflation has been due...

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