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Perils of lockdown and informal sector workers: Reflections in the time of Covid-19 -Amrita Ghatak & Kingshuk Sarkar The unprecedented fear of Covid-19 leading to ‘social distancing’ through lockdown in the entire India has yet again unfolded the plight of informal sector workers even in the midst of a universal public health crisis worldwide. The lockdown, for a huge number of informal sector workers is associated with the loss of livelihood; but for others engaged in low-valued essential works such as home delivery, scavenging and cleaning the society,...

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Coronavirus Will Upend the 'Profits Over People' Mantra of Globalisation -Maitreesh Ghatak Our relentless pursuit of economic growth poses serious risks not just to the environment but also to public health. The COVID-19 pandemic is first and foremost a public health crisis, but it brings along with it an economic crisis that is no less devastating. The public health crisis and the economic crisis are closely interrelated, especially in a country like India. India’s healthcare system lacks the resources to withstand the potential...

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COVID-19 lockdown locks down farmers’ INCome -Mayank Aggarwal * India’s ongoing lockdown to control the spread of coronavirus is threatening the agriculture sector as it overlaps with the time of harvest. * The lockdown has derailed harvest preparation and lack of agricultural labour to help in harvest and restrictions on transportation of produce despite being given waivers as essential services. * Farmer leaders and agriculture experts criticised the relief package announced by the government to aid farmers impacted by the...

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Migrant Workers Beaten, Stuffed Into Container Trucks by Police at Gujarat-Maharashtra Border -Sukanya Shantha "There was no ventilation. It was pitch dark inside and police gave us 10 mins to get into the container truck." Mumbai: On March 31, solicitor general Tushar Mehta claimed before the Supreme Court that there was “no person walking on the roads in an attempt to reach his/her home towns/villages”. He further claimed, under oath, that all migrant labourers had been shifted to shelter homes and are being provided with basic...

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Fighting Covid Will Be a Long Haul but Normal Life Does Not Need to be Kept on Hold -Prem Shankar Jha Before it is eradicated, the novel coronavirus can be tamed, but this will require the rapid implementation of an action plan that is humane, rational – and unafraid of the fiscal beancounters. It’s too late. The COVID-19 horse has bolted and closing the barn doors now will not bring it back. Despite Narendra Modi’s all-India lockdown, the number of people testing positive for the virus has risen sharply during the past...

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