Total Matching Records found : 3430

Food shortages incapacitate and kill millions of children each year – UN report

An astonishing 200 million children under the age of five, almost all in Africa and Asia, suffer from the debilitating impact of stunted growth resulting from a lack of food and the right nutrients, a new United Nations report warned today. The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) report, Tracking Progress on Child and Maternal Nutrition, also stressed that undernutrition contributes to a third of deaths of all children under five each year,...

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Entries invited from media persons

For the UNFPA Laadli Media Awards for Gender Sensitivity CHANDIGARH: “It is a sad reality that even today the girl child is unwanted and often murdered in the womb and the increased presence of science in our lives has fuelled this evil instead of decreasing it,” said UNFPA-Laadli Media Awards for Gender Sensitivity regional coordinator Minu Talwar at a press conference here. Inviting entries for the second UNFPA-Laadli Media Awards for...

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Maternal tragedies by TK Rajalakshmi

A Human Rights Watch report emphasises the need for a system of recording and investigating all maternal deaths.  THE maternal mortality ratio (MMR) is calculated by the number of maternal deaths for every 100,000 births. Consider this: In 2005, India’s MMR was 16 times that of Russia, 10 times that of China and four times higher than that in Brazil. Why should there be such high maternal mortality rates in...

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Civil Society Questions Anti-Naxal Operations

A fact finding team of many civil society organizations has reported widespread occurrences of murders, tortures and cases of police atrocities in Chhattisgarh in the name of combating Naxalism. It is also being alleged that in the name of their own security, journalists are being stopped from going to so called “combat zones” where security forces have launched an Operation Greenhunt to flush out armed Maoists.  Fifteen members of the...

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India’s Malnutrition Dilemma by David Rieff

“This is a country on the make.” The speaker was a young assistant to one of India’s rising political stars. And from his perspective, it did look that way. We were sitting in the lobby restaurant of New Delhi’s luxurious Taj Mahal Hotel. That evening, the Taj was not only the place for a government reception following Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s decisive re-election victory, but it was also the scene...

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