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Right to Food Campaign gives call for ‘action' against draft food Bill by Gargi Parsai

-The Hindu   The Right to Food Campaign on Tuesday appealed to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to set aside the government draft of the Food Security Bill which “minimises government's obligations, restricts people's entitlements and is devoid of any accountability”. Rejecting the government's draft Bill, the Campaign gave a national call for action. In an open letter to the Prime Minister, the Campaign said the draft Bill approved by the Empowered Group of...

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Home-schooling faces test in Delhi high court by Bhavya Dore

None of Mathew Peedikayil’s three children go to school. The Dahisar resident and his wife chose to home-school their children seven years ago, a decision under threat since the Right To Education (RTE) Act that came into force last year.   The Act, which came into force on April 1 2010, makes it mandatory for every child in the 6 to 14-year age group to be enrolled at a formal school. A petition...

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Orissa fails to keep date with revised MoU with Posco by Nageshwar Patnaik

The Orissa government has failed to keep its commitment for renewal of the revised MoU with Posco-India Ltd for setting up 12-million ton steel plant near Paradip by July end as the South Korean company has not agreed to certain conditions in the revised MoU. Even as the tenure of the previous MoU expired on June 21, 2010, the state government had gone on acquiring land for the proposed steel...

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Systems fail a young mother by Rith Basu

Calcuttans tried many a trick to fight the discomfiture induced by rolling power cuts today but a doctor in a pitch-dark labour room had little else other than a pack of cotton to help a lady who had become a mother minutes ago. The young mother lay in the labour room bleeding for 30 minutes this morning as the doctor could not stitch the cut in the feeble light of candles...

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Foreign varsity bill hurdle by Basant Kumar Mohanty

Reputable foreign institutions may not come to India if a provision in a proposed law preventing them from taking back surplus from education activities is retained, a parliamentary panel has said. The Foreign Educational Institutions (Entry and Operations) Bill prescribes a time-bound format for granting foreign universities approvals but bars them from repatriating profits. The bill was introduced in the Lok Sabha on May 3, 2010, and referred to the standing committee...

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