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What is novelty? -Rajshree Chandra

-The Indian Express The era of globalised markets is also an era of globalised sovereignties. Nation states must constantly sync their policies with global constituencies of policies and citizens. At times, domestic disharmony is the price nation states may be required and willing to pay. The case in point here is the proposed review of the intellectual property rights (IPR) policy, particularly those clauses that are related to pharmaceutical patent policy....

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IFPRI assesses nutrition issues at two-day event in Delhi -Tomojit Basu

-The Hindu Business Line New Delhi: One-third of India's women and children under the age of five are underweight and micronutrient deficiencies are common. The country, however, is making progress against hunger as shown by India moving up eight places from last year on the Global Hunger Index (GHI) to rank 55th out of 76 nations. To explore related aspects of nutrition improvement across various sectors, the International Food Policy Research...

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Giving new life to Aadhaar

-The Hindu The imperatives of governance have a tendency to make political parties think differently once they are in power and revisit earlier misgivings. Nothing illustrates this better than the Narendra Modi government's decision to go ahead with the ‘Aadhaar' scheme aimed at giving unique identification numbers to residents. The Bharatiya Janata Party had on some occasions in the past voiced its reservations about the viability and desirability of the...

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Charting a new course for India’s farm resurgence -G Chandrashekhar

-The Hindu Business Line Beefing up input delivery, expanding irrigation facilities & infusing technology are the key India needs rapid economic growth to lift people out of poverty and meet the basic needs of a growing population. It is well recognised that for growth to be inclusive, it must create adequate livelihood opportunities and add to decent employment commensurate with the expectations of a growing workforce. Massive growth in information and communication technologies...

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Letter to PM about US-India Bilateral Relations on Intellectual Property Dear Prime Minister Modi ji, We, the undersigned, wish to share with you some of our concerns on India's position on intellectual property (IP), particularly in the context of bilateral relations between the United States of America and India. We gather from the US-India Joint Statement dated 30 September 2014 that the Indian Government (a)greeing on the need to foster innovation in a manner that promotes economic growth...

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