-TheWire.in Experts believe that the “population explosion” theory is contentious as despite its 1.37 billion people, India’s birth rates have Been falling. New Delhi: Drawing from prime minister Narendra Modi’s Independence day speech, the NITI Aayog will soon start drafting a roadmap for “population stabilisation” in India. On Friday, it organised a national consultation titled “Realising the vision of population stabilisation: leaving no one behind” with the Population Foundation of India (PFI)...
What a sharp rise in inflation rate amid spike in food prices means -Prabhat Patnaik
-Newsclick.in Even as the growth rate of the Indian economy is slowing down, and the index of industrial production (IIP) is actually showing negative growth for three consecutive months, August to October (over the corresponding months a year ago), the inflation rate in the economy has started accelerating. Significantly, the acceleration in inflation has Been the sharpest precisely during these very months when the contraction in industrial output has Been the...
More »A duty to publish: On RTI
-The Hindu Limiting RTI responses based on locus standi of the applicants could create a chilling effect The Right to Information Act’s role in fostering a more informed citizenry and an accountable government has never Been in doubt ever since its implementation in 2005. But there have Been persistent and growing misgivings. Section 4 of the Act calls for pro-active and voluntary dissemination of information, but only a few Central and State...
More »Migration studies need to put in perspective changing patterns of movement -S Irudaya Rajan & H Arokkiaraj
-The Indian Express Of late, there have Been changes in the destination choices of Indian migrants. The preference seems to be for non-Anglophone countries despite the integration challenges. Migrants have made notable contributions to their countries of origin as well as destination. This is especially true for South Asia. To commemorate their efforts, the UN celebrates the International Migrants Day on December 18 every year. For several years, India has ranked the highest...
More »New lab study on food by CSE exposes efforts to sabotage public health
-Press release by Centre for Science and Environment, dated 17 December, 2019 Levels of salt, fat in junk foods way higher than proposed thresholds, says new CSE lab study Points out that industry is opposing notification of draft regulation because then we will know how bad their food is Expert group made recommendations six years ago, but the draft regulation that has emerged is severely diluted -- even this much-diluted draft...
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