-The Hindu Assembly Committee accuses the company of major lapses, to summon officials The Delhi Assembly’s committee on peace and harmony on Monday said that prima facie it seemed that Facebook had a role in the Delhi riots that broke out in February. The panel added that Facebook India officials will be issued notices to appear at its next meeting. “Facebook should be treated as a co-accused in the Delhi riots. There should...
Delhi HC grants bail to Pinjra Tod member Devangana Kalita
-The Hindu/ PTI The Delhi High Court on Tuesday granted bail to a member of Pinjra Tod, a women’s collective, in a case related to the communal violence in northeast Delhi during protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act in February. Justice Suresh Kumar Kait gave the relief to JNU student Devangana Kalita on furnishing of a personal bond of ₹25,000 and a surety of the like amount. The court directed that she shall...
More »Migrant workers who were affected by the lockdown are afraid about livelihoods and health, finds new survey
-WorkingPeoplesCharter.in Working People's Charter- a national alliance of informal sector workers (WPC) presents a preliminary survey titled “After the long marches: What do workers want?” surveying migrant workers – who returned home from big Cities due to the lockdown - across some of the major states in India. This survey examines whether there have been changes in the decision of migrant workers to return to Cities in order to find work....
More »Lakhs of people affected by floods in Odisha, Madhya Pradesha and Gujarat -Satyasundar Barik
-The Hindu 17 dead in Odisha; 454 villages cut off in Madhya Pradesh BHUBANESWAR: Over 14 lakh people were affected due to floods in five river systems of Odisha, said the State government here on Sunday. Seventeen people have lost their lives due to wall collapse and by slipping into swollen rivers. “Heavy rain triggered by back-to-back low pressure area over Bay of Bengal had caused flooding in 20 districts. The situation is...
More »Over three-fourth of workers lost their livelihoods since lockdown, finds ActionAid India's national survey of informal labourers
ActionAid Association's (AAA) national level survey among people dependent on the informal economy during the third phase of the national lockdown towards the end of May 2020 (i.e. between May 14th and May 22nd, 2020) has documented the "nature and extent of the transitions in the lives and livelihoods of informal workers, including migrant workers, during the pandemic and provide[s] an insight into the precarity they experience and the coping...
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