-The Pioneer Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan said on Monday that though the decision-making process had slowed down after the RTI Act came into effect, the legislation had indeed facilitated transparency in governance. “Everybody has become extremely cautious (because of the RTI Act). There is no doubt that the decision-making has slowed down. In that transition period, we are moving towards much more transparent governance which will pay us dividends in future,”...
Fuel price hike a reality: PM by Archis Mohan
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today said rising prices of fuel were a reality Indians needed to deal with as any more subsidies in the oil sector could destabilise the economy. The comment came days after Mamata Banerjee, his biggest ally at the Centre, warned that her Trinamul Congress would quit the ruling UPA if prices of kerosene, diesel and cooking gas were raised. Asked what he thought of the Bengal chief minister’s...
More »Fighting for the 99 per cent in times of austerity
-The Hindu As the head of the largest trade union federation, Sharan Burrow represents the face of the worker at the high-tables of the world. Ms Burrow is the general secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), which represents 175 million workers in 153 countries. Ahead of this week's G20 Summit in Cannes, Ms. Burrow has, in meetings with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and European leaders, warned of the...
More »BASIC countries show united front by Ananth Krishnan
India, China, Brazil and South Africa — the BASIC group of developing countries — on Tuesday sought to bridge their differences and strike a common position ahead of this month's climate change conference in Durban, calling on the West to ensure the extension of the Kyoto Protocol as well as step up financial and technological assistance to developing countries. The Durban conference, they said in a joint statement, “should achieve a...
More »Jobs crisis could spark unrest: ILO by Larry Elliott
Coming months ‘crucial' The International Labour Organisation has warned that a jobs crisis caused by the slowdown in the global economy threatens a wave of widespread social unrest engulfing both rich and poor countries. Highlighting the darkening prospects for employment, the Geneva-based ILO said policymakers were running out of time to head off a double-dip recession in labour markets. “We have reached the moment of truth,” said Raymond Torres, director of the...
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