-The Hindu Bengaluru: Two companies had evinced interest in taking up the air ambulance project in the State, the Minister said. The much-awaited two-wheeler ambulances will hit the streets in the State from Wednesday. Health Minister U.T. Khader, who launched 30 first responder bike ambulances in the city on Tuesday, said his department was working at introducing air ambulances in the State by this year end. Two companies had evinced interest in taking...
Lack of Clarity and Vision in New Mines and Minerals Act -EAS Sarma
-Economic and Political Weekly Much has been claimed on behalf of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act that has been enacted by Parliament, but the legislation has introduced a watered-down version of auctions, has many exceptions to legalise the old first-cum-firstserve approach, and ignores previous Supreme Court rulings on measures to ensure sustainable development. E A S Sarma (eassarma@gmail.com) is a former Union Power Secretary. With a brute majority in...
More »Hocking the family jewels for a song -Claude Alvares and Rahul Basu
-Hindustan Times The issue of recovering the full extent of the value of our natural resources from parties to whom they are being assigned has reverberated throughout the economy ever since the Supreme Court delivered its judgements in the 2G scam (dealing with the State's earnings from selling spectrum) and on coal block allocations. In both instances, past practice and legal provisions had unwittingly handed these resources to parties at a pittance. Under...
More »These radio stations are voices for change in rural India -Bhanu Priya Vyas
-TheWeekendLeader.com/ Women's Feature Service Radha Shukla, 43, can't really remember the last time she took a holiday. "It's been so long since I have celebrated a festival with my family or even taken leave. But I don't mind it; my work is important," she says emphatically. To Shanta Koshti, 50, the years she spent as a poorly-paid ‘beedi' worker seem like another lifetime. "At present, my entire focus is on motivating people...
More »NGOs facing a funding challenge -Moyna Manku
-Livemint.com Are funds drying up due to increased scrutiny or because India is now seen as an emerging economic power? New Delhi: The not-for-profit sector has been hitting the headlines-whether for the offloading of an Indian Greenpeace activist from an international flight or the cancellation of 1,100-plus funding LICences in Andhra Pradesh last month. That the ministry of home affairs (MHA) has developed a great interest in voluntary organizations registered under The...
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