-The Hindu Srikakulam Collector asked to set up a special committee Hyderabad: Lok Ayukta of Andhra Pradesh Justice B. Subhashan Reddy has directed Srikakulam District Collector Saurabh Gaur to set up a special committee to survey the Kannedhara hillock on which granite mining lease was granted to D. Rammanohar Naidu, son of Minister for Roads & Buildings Dharmana Prasada Rao. Mr. Saurabh Gaur, a few other district officials, including the Assistant Director of...
The crisis in our community-Nilanjana S Roy
-The Hindu "Stopping rape" isn't possible unless we change the way we tackle and think about ordinary violence Some images stay branded on your mind. The brutality visited on three young girls, before their bodies were found in a well; the pain of a five-year-old whose rapist used candles and an oil bottle to violate her further; the anger of the Dalit rape survivor in Uttar Pradesh who was told by a...
More »Supreme Court and the aam aadmi -G Mohan Gopal
-Frontline It is the goal of social revolution that connects the aam aadmi to the judiciary and to its highest institution, the Supreme Court of India. By Prof. G. MOHAN GOPAL WHAT should be the appropriate mea-sure of the relationship between the apex court of a country and its common people? Should an apex court be evaluated by who invokes its jurisdiction, from which area and for what purpose? Is an apex...
More »Landmark verdict -V Venkatesan
-Frontline The Supreme Court's ruling against Novartis' patent claim for the cancer drug Glivec paves the way for generic drug companies to keep crucial, life-saving drugs affordable to the common people. By V. VENKATESAN IN their 112-page judgment delivered on April 1, Justice Aftab Alam and Justice Ranjana Prakash Desai of the Supreme Court began with a simple proposition: in order to understand what the law really is, it is essential to...
More »Chit-fund scam: Saradha agents lay siege to Mamata house -Saibal Sen & Caesar Mandal
-The Times of India KOLKATA: Bengal is sitting on a powder keg. And the fuse could well have been lit on Friday as a 33-year-old agent of Saradha Group, a chit fund company that has gone bust, committed suicide being unable to pay his depositors while over 3,000 agents laid siege to chief minister Mamata Banerjee's residence in protest against the lockdown. The turn of events has triggered fears of a repeat...
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