The farmers' agitation in Uttar Pradesh brings into focus the indiscriminate acquisition of land by the state for corporate-led development. ON May 19, three days before the formal observation of the second anniversary of the United Progressive Alliance government, Congress president and UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi made a categorical announcement that in the monsoon session of Parliament scheduled to begin in July the ruling coalition would bring in legislation that...
A Case for Reframing the Cash Transfer Debate in India by Sudha Narayanan
Cash transfers are now suggested by many as a silver bullet for addressing the problems that plague India’s anti-poverty programmes. This article argues instead for evidence-based policy and informed public debate to clarify the place, prospects and problems of cash transfers in India. By drawing on key empirical findings from academic and grey literature across the world an attempt is made to draw attention to three aspects of cash transfers...
More »India should lead reforms with Food Bill by Prabha Jagannathan
Good politics and good economics can make compatible bedfellows, if the timing is right. Food, its producers and consumers, are now the Centre's most potent political and economic battleground. Politically speaking, this could be the best time for the UPA to reclaim its dog-eared pro-people credentials through the Bill. The Right to Food Bill has triggered many apprehensions, including fears of a higher subsidy burden, an adverse impact on private...
More »Taming price rise: Govt panel for FDI in multi-product retail
-The Times of India An inter-ministerial group (IMG) on inflation has recommended allowing foreign direct investment in multi-product retail as one of the two steps to tame rising prices and cut down the margin between farm gate and retail prices. This is the first formal recommendation by a government panel to allow FDI in the tightly policed and sensitive retail sector. "It is time for India to allow foreign direct investment in...
More »Sonia rushes to salvage MGNREGS by Anirban Bhaumik
Weighed down by an unending season of corruption, the political leadership of ruling the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) has stepped in to rescue the regime’s flagship rural employment guarantee scheme from discredit due to mounting allegations of endemic irregularities. The National Advisory Council of the UPA, headed by Sonia Gandhi, on Wednesday asked the Manmohan Singh government to expedite notification of the much-awaited rules that would allow public scrutiny of the...
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