-Scroll.in The court refused to order a CBI inquiry into connivance of officials in the Rs 60,000 crore scam, but directed the setting up of an expert committee. The Supreme Court on Wednesday said mining companies that had been operating without necessary clearances in Odisha would be subject to a 100% penalty on the price of the ore that had been illegally extracted. The court also said that the government’s policy...
India performs miserably in war on inequality
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: India has been ranked 132 out of 152 countries in an index that rates countries by their commitment to reducing inequality. The first report edition of the index, released recently, showed that OECD countries headed by Sweden ranked the highest while Nigeria was at the bottom. The US had the highest level of inequality among developed countries, though it is the wealthiest country in history. Ironically,...
More »India's children need a better deal -V Ramani
-The Indian Express For a country that aims to be a regional power, the data on child nutrition confirms that the situation is abysmal. Save for Bihar, six of the seven states with the highest incidence of stunting, for example, are ruled by the BJP or the BJP and its allies – Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Meghalaya, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Bihar. After an agonising wait of over ten years, the...
More »'Rs 7,000cr spent, but Ganga still polluted' -Vishwa Mohan
-The Times of India DELHI: The report of a fire literally on the Ganga prompted noted environmentalist and lawyer M C Mehta to file a PIL in the Supreme Court over 32 years ago. Discharge of inflammable effluents from nearby industries in Haridwar had caused the fire on water and subsequently triggered the chain of events which culminated in Thursday's NGT judgement directing both central and state authorities to take multiple...
More »Small-scale fishermen form the backbone of India's fisheries sector, but policy is silent on them -John Kurien
-Scroll.in The National Policy on Marine Fisheries is tentative and fails to address the real problems of traditional fishing communities. Though India cannot call itself a nation of fish-eaters, it does have some of the world’s richest fishery resources and an Exclusive Economic Zone in the ocean the size of 60% of its land area. It ranks third in world fish production with a harvest of 6.3 million tonnes. This is...
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