-The Times of India Prem Das Rai, an MP from Sikkim, knew that development indicators from his state were exceptional. But his office didn't know how to showcase them. He reached out to Swaniti, a Delhi-based not-for-profit organization that has been working "consulting style" with parliamentarians. Their portal called Jigyasa aims to answer questions like Rai's. Rwitwika Bhattacharya, Swaniti's founder-CEO, was surprised at what they uncovered. "I always thought that the...
What development? For whom?-Chapal Mehra
-The Hindu Development is as much a process of providing services as of removing obstacles and giving freedom from all sorts of discrimination. In what is perhaps one of India's most communal, polarising, divisive and personalised election campaigns, we are told far too often that this election is really about development. Yet, none of the political parties clearly defines development either in their speeches or in their manifestoes. So, what do they...
More »First UN report on antibiotic resistance reveals ‘serious threat’ to global public health
-The United Nations Antibiotic resistance - when bacteria change so antibiotics no longer work in people who need them to treat infections - is now a major threat to public health, says a new United Nations report released today. The study, produced by the UN World Health Organization (WHO), is the first to look at antimicrobial resistance, including antibiotic resistance, globally, and provides the most comprehensive picture to date, incorporating data from...
More »WHO to seek Universal Health Coverage in Southeast Asia
-Live Mint Out-of-pocket payments for health are highest among all WHO regions and one-third of new annual poverty is healthcare related New Delhi: The World Health Organization (WHO) will seek to provide access to health services for all in Southeast Asia and put in place robust healthcare systems in the region, the agency's regional director Poonam Khetrapal Singh said in a speech at a conference on Wednesday in Paro, Bhutan. Public health experts,...
More »Nursing many wounds -Jinoy Jose P
-The Hindu Business Line Underpaid and overworked, India's nurses are in need of better treatment from the society they care for Florence Nightingale called nursing the finest of fine arts. But Molly Sibbichan would have disagreed. On March 16, Sunday, the 42-year-old nurse, employed with the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Delhi, hanged herself inside her south Delhi home. Molly's suicide note said work pressure and stress pushed her to kill...
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