-The Times of India MUMBAI: The multi-crore chit fund scam is not just restricted to West Bengal, but is wide spread across the country, especially in Maharashtra. The state could be sitting on a time bomb with one estimate pegging the racket as high as Rs 10,000 crore. Unfortunately, vulnerable people out to make a quick buck are the first to fall for these scams. Promises made by these fly-by-night...
Trinamool runs aground: It is foundering on Bengal’s cheat funds and could well sink with them -Abheek Barman
-The Times of India The collapse of Saradha Group, promoted by Sudipta Sen, is the greatest threat yet to Mamata Banerjee's Trinamool Congress regime in Bengal. It could also imperil the finances of millions of people in Bengal, Assam, Jharkhand, Bihar, Orissa and eastern Uttar Pradesh. Trinamool's blatant association with the bigwigs of Saradha, which raised vast amounts of money from poor people before collapsing, is a potentially fatal political body blow....
More »Cheat funds, again
-The Hindu The spectacular failure of the Saradha Group domiciled in West Bengal but also operating in a few adjoining States reinforces certain important messages from past scams. The first lesson to investors and regulators alike is that it is still possible for unscrupulous promoters to design and operate Ponzi schemes built around promises of extraordinary returns that are clearly unsustainable. Such schemes depend upon a steady stream of fresh deposits...
More »The fall of Saradha group revives old ghosts of ponzi schemes going bust -Atmadip Ray
-The Economic Times For many, it is a sense of deja vu. Fifteen years ago, the government and India's financial regulators came under fire after hundreds of crores were cleaned up by a few individuals and entities from gullible investors, who were promised fabulous returns from plantation schemes. In the uproar that followed, the government and the regulators sought to palm off the responsibility of regulation of such schemes on each...
More »West Bengal chit fund scam: Knives out for tainted Trinamool MPs
-The Times of India KOLKATA: The inferno triggered in a million homes by the Saradha meltdown has singed the ruling Trinamool Congress. The heat was palpable at an informal meeting of Trinamool MPs at Parliament's Central Hall on Tuesday when the knives were out against the tainted partymen who have harmed Didi's Ma-Mati-Manush image. With Sudipta Sen in custody, at least two heads in the Trinamool are set to roll, say party...
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