-The Telegraph New Delhi: The Reserve Bank of India, market regulator Sebi and the Gujarat government today petitioned the Supreme Court to modify its earlier order restricting the use of Aadhaar cards to a handful of schemes. In separate applications, the petitioners requested that authorities be allowed to demand the production of Aadhaar cards for all services, social Welfare schemes and securities transactions. Else, they argued, the precluded schemes would be affected. The...
National Health Profile 2015: Suicides on a rise, cancer cases may grow by 15 per cent in five years -Karnika Bahuguna
-Down to Earth India’s public spending on health is among the lowest in South East Asia and BRIC countries The burden of aspirations and expectations seems to be taking a toll on young India, especially males who succumb to suicidal deaths more than their female counterparts, according to the data published by the Central Bureau of Health Intelligence (CBHI). The data showed that over 67 per cent cases of suicidal deaths in...
More »Women in Indian Agriculture -Vivan Sharan and Prachi Arya
-Business World In the run up to Independence Day, Professor Ashok Gulati wrote a scathing critique of what he has described as “elitist biases in public policy”, that ignore the reality of the masses in rural areas. The reality he describes is that of low rates of growth in agriculture; a sector that majority of Indians still depend on. He lamented the excessive preponderance of economic policy discourse in the country...
More »40 crores unorganized workers to get UWIN (Unorganized Workers Identification Number) says Bandaru Dattatreya, Union Minister for Labour and Employment
-National Association of Street Vendors of India (NASVI) Press Release New Delhi, 18 September 2015: With work and social protection emerging as a major focus area, an awareness-cum-multi stake holder dialogue programme for workers of unorganized sectors was jointly conducted by NIDAN and National Union of Informal workers (NUIW) here on Friday. Speaking at the inaugural session of the one-day colloquium on National Workshop of Informal Workers; Laws, Policies & Organizing for...
More »Fixing India’s farm failures
-Livemint.com India needs to invest more in developing rural infrastructure The script is familiar. After borrowing heavily for inputs such as seeds, fertilizers and pesticides, farmers in most parts of India wait for the monsoon. When the rain fails, the farmers’ agony begins. Forced migration to cities in search of manual work, distress sales of land and, in extreme cases, suicides are the way out. This kharif season has a distressingly familiar ring...
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