-The Hindu After 11 years, the much-awaited data on India’s health indicators were released by the Health Ministry on Tuesday night. The Phase 1 results from the national family health survey-4 for 2015-16, which covered 13 States and two Union Territories (UTs), are a reason to smile. In nearly every State, fewer children are dying in infancy, and across all States, more mothers are getting access to skilled ante-natal care. The last...
Fighting stunting in India -M Sreelata
-SciDev.net Nearly half the children in India are stunted Maternal height is the strongest determinant of childhood undernutrition Investments should focus on improving social circumstance and dietary diversity BANGALORE: Nearly half the children in India suffer from stunting because mothers are uninformed, financially incapable or stunted and undernourished themselves, says a study conducted by the Harvard T H Chan School of Public Health, Boston and published by Social Science and Medicine last month. The highest...
More »NSSO 71st Round: Same Data, Multiple Interpretations -Nishant Jain, Alok Kumar, Sunil Nandraj, and Kheya Melo Furtado
-Economic and Political Weekly A comment on the article "Falling Sick, Paying the Price: NSS 71st Round on Morbidity and Costs of Healthcare" (EPW, 15 August 2015) which suggests that the National Sample Survey Office's 71st round on social consumption of health can be read differently. Nishant Jain (jainnishu@gmail.com) is Deputy Program Director at German Development Cooperation, India; Alok Kumar is Adviser (Health) at NITI Aayog; Sunil Nandraj is Adviser (Clinical Establishments...
More »Grin and bear it: India’s ‘pulse problem' does not have an immediate solution -Dinesh Unnikrishnan
-FirstPost.com Ram Naresh, who runs a small tea-snacks shop in Navi Mumbai isn’t really keen to discuss politics. “After all, what difference does it make to me? No matter who rules, prices keep going up,” Naresh says. Naresh, hails from a rural village in Uttar Pradesh, is clearly upset with the way prices of Dal and Onion has gone up of late. He gets to save a little from his daily earnings...
More »Acute Malnutrition: A Community Fights Back -Stella Paul
-IPSNews.net DHARNI (Maharashtra): In the semi-darkness of her hut in Berdaballa, a forest village 610 km northeast of Mumbai, 28-year old Babita Mavaskar sat with her newborn baby boy watching him checked by a paramedic in an important antenatal exam. After about 20 minutes the health worker emerged from the shelter and made a big announcement, “All is well. Everything, the weight, temperature and height … is normal.” The small crowd of...
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