-The Hindu Error is not in data but in government’s judgement: RJD MP Manoj K. Jha The Union government last week told the Supreme Court that the caste data enumerated in the Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC) of 2011 was “unusable”, but in 2016, the Registrar-General and Census Commissioner of India had informed the Standing Committee on Rural Development that 98.87% of the data on individual caste and religion was “error free”. In its...
For Small Farmers, is Crop Cultivation Slowly Mattering Less and Less? -Seema Bathla and Siraj Hussain
-TheWire.in Latest survey data confirms the increasing importance of livestock activities, which should come as a signal for policy makers. While the latest decennial NSS 77th round Situation Assessment of Agricultural Households (SAS) shows some improvement in the total income of farmers from various sources, a 10-percentage fall in the share of income from crop cultivation has also been reported during this period, which should be a cause for concern to policy...
More »Jobs increased by 29% since 2013, says survey
-The Hindu Quarterly Employment survey covered 10,593 firms across 9 sectors The All-India Quarterly Establishment-based Employment survey, in a report released on Monday, said that the overall employment numbers had increased by 29% from the base year of 2013-14. However, in the first quarter of this fiscal (April-June 2021), 27% of the establishments surveyed reported pandemic-related retrenchment. The report, released by Labour and Employment Minister Bhupender Yadav, covered 10,593 firms that employed more than...
More »India's income divide narrows, wealth divide persists: survey data -Ishaan Gera
-Business Standard The top 10 per cent among the country's households own more than 50 per cent of the assets. India’s top 10 per cent households three years ago held 55.67 per cent of the wealth in urban areas and 50.84 per cent of it in rural, shows data released by a state survey last week. Results from the National Sample survey Organisation’s All India Debt and Investment survey (AIDIS) for 2018-19 are...
More »The state of agriculture in India is only going from bad to worse -Himanshu
-Livemint.com * The latest Situation Assessment survey adds to findings that reveal worsening agrarian distress * Our agricultural sector has been in a state of perpetual decline after 2012-13 and is reeling under such shocks as back-to-back droughts, demonetization and the covid-19 pandemic Earlier this month, the National Statistical Office released the Situation Assessment survey (SAS) of agricultural households for the 2018-19 agricultural year, which runs from July to June. This is the...
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