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The cosy world behind the tapes by Vidya Subrahmaniam

The public face of the journalist is of a brave, feisty adversary to the rapacious establishment, not the party animal who will wilt before the charms of the corporate lobbyist.To succeed, a politician has to keep his ear to the ground. Yet success can be cruelly destructive; it is so deceptively flattering that it eventually insulates him from the very thing that has made him a success: public opinion. For...

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India will create 58 mn more jobs by 2012: Labour Minister

Labour Minister Harish Rawat says the government is confident of creating 58 million additional jobs by the end of the 11th Five Year Plan in 2012 thanks to the smart recovery in the farm sector and its resultant impact on the rural economy. "Agriculture has responded very positively. With economy poised to grow at nine percent in this fiscal year, we will be able to meet the target," Rawat told...

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Decoding Right to Education Act by Siddharth Kelkar

he Right to Education Act has been in place from April 1, 2010 but many schools in the city and parents of students still do not have much clarity on the provisions. There are misconceptions on the nature of examination and evaluation. Here is an attempt to answer some frequently asked questions“As per the Right to Education (RTE) Act, though students from class I to VIII cannot be held back,...

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Turning Agriculture From Problem to Solution by Mantoe Phakathi

Global agriculture contributes in the region of 17 percent to the greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change, but according to the World Bank, climate smart agriculture techniques can both reduce emissions and meet the challenge of producing enough food for a growing world population."As much as agriculture is part of the problem, it is also part of the solution," said Inger Anderson, the World Bank's vice president on sustainable...

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A Journalist in India Ends Up in the Headlines by Lydia Polgreen

ALMOST any night of the week, Barkha Dutt can be found under the harsh glare of television lights, asking tough questions and demanding frank answers. But last Tuesday Ms. Dutt, the most famous face of India’s explosively growing 24-hour cable news business, found herself the subject of the kind of grilling she normally metes out.Before a jury of four of her peers, she parried questions and struggled to control her...

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