Total Matching Records found : 6912

The return of the garudan samba-M Balaganessin

-The Hindu A NABARD scheme has led to the revival of the nearly-extinct variety of paddy PUDUKOTTAI (Tamil Nadu): A farmer of Marundhanthalai village near here has revived a paddy variety, garudan samba, which was on the verge of extinction. Adopting bio-cultivation practices and the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) technique, the farmer R. Ganesan raised the 160-day- crop under the Farm Innovation Promotion Fund scheme of the National Bank for Agriculture...

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MGNREGA: A tale of rural revival -Varad Pande and Neelakshi Mann

-Live Mint Rural livelihoods have improved because of MGNREGA. It is wrong to say the scheme has not worked If some recent news articles are to be believed, the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), a scheme that costs less than 0.35% of India's gross domestic product (GDP), has crashed the country's economy. The latest to join this bandwagon of criticism is an editorial in Mint. ("MGNREGA: A tale...

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Delhi's water supply-Going, going, gone? -Asit K Biswas & Cecilia Tortajada

-The Business Standard Providing clean water to Delhi is no rocket science. What is missing is some political will and competent leadership In the early 1950s, the quality of urban water services in Delhi was similar to the best of other major urban centres of Asia. In fact, in 1950, shortly after the second World War, water provisioning in Delhi was better than Tokyo or Osaka. At that time, Tokyo was...

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FM to shun populism, bat for fiscal prudence -Mahendra Kumar Singh

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The UPA government is expected to announce a minor increase in the outlays for social sector schemes, while leaving the overall Plan expenditure for 2014-15 around the same level as the Budget estimates for the current fiscal. In what may be seen as shunning populism for a more pragmatic fiscal plan, finance minister P Chidambaram is in fact expected to penalize several poor performers, who...

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Beneficiaries from Anganwadi Centres

-Press Information Bureau (Ministry of Women and Child Development) The Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) in the country are part of the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme which is a centrally sponsored Scheme. At the AWCs, six services namely (i) Supplementary nutrition (ii) Pre-school non-formal education (iii) Nutrition and health Education (iv) Immunization (v) Health check-up and (vi) Referral services are provided for holistic development of 0-6 years of children. Pregnant &...

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