Former Union home secretary G.K. Pillai’s statement that Akhil Gogoi is not a Maoist and that his arrest was an overreaction may have come as a huge relief to the RTI activist but it has also reflected a disconnect between Delhi and Dispur. An official source here told The Telegraph today that the disconnect has come out in the open over the observations being made by both the governments over the...
PM okays food bill draft, to cover 75% population by Zia Haq
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Thursday approved the final draft food security bill. The bill, when passed, will provide cheaper foodgrain to 75% of the population, or 900 million Indians. This is much higher than what a PM-appointed panel recommended, but is lower than the 90% coverage sought by the Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council (NAC). To cover 90% of the population under a food law, the Centre will have to...
More »From fig leaf to banana republic by Siddharth Varadarajan
Nobody sheds a tear when the police harass ordinary citizens. But with the rich and powerful under the corruption scanner, the Prime Minister now fears a police state. The Prime Minister and his advisors just don't get it. At a time when the public is looking for an end to the loot of public money, the last thing they want to hear from their government is a bunch of excuses and...
More »FDI in retail likely within weeks
-The Times of India After years of debate, foreign direct investment in retail may soon be a reality with a panel of secretaries expected to approve the framework for allowing global retail chains to set up shop in India later this month. Government sources said the proposal has gained momentum, with both Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and finance minister Pranab Mukherjee backing it, and chances are that the Cabinet could clear...
More »By the book
-The Indian Express After a season of excess and excitability, the prime minister’s assertion of constitutional propriety was welcome. In recent months, public discourse has been roiled by a series of corruption scandals, and to add to that, some of the solutions suggested by civil society champions of the Lokpal bill have been rash and potentially destabilising. The PM spoke up for the Constitution, and the importance of preserving the inbuilt...
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