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The Peel-An-Onion Plan by Lola Nayar

Another food crisis? This time it’s not shortages but prices—a plain failure of responsive policy and execution. Zooming food prices are raising political temperatures yet again. The rumblings, for once, are not merely restricted to the opposition parties, but evident within the ruling coalition as well. Though attacks from across the political spectrum have become a bit subdued of late, the target remains Union agriculture and food minister Sharad Pawar. And...

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Brinjal a madhouse hostage by Ajay Sukumaran and GS Mudur

High-decibel exchanges on genetically modified (GM) brinjal, potentially India’s first edible biotech crop, have sparked concerns among sections of scientists whether its fate now hinges on emotions rather than science. The last of a series of public consultations called by the Union environment ministry ended today in a packed auditorium at Central College, Bangalore, after four hours of debate, punctuated at times by shouts and sharp verbal exchanges. At one point,...

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A bad example from the US by Leena Menghaney

India has played a crucial role in making essential medicines available and affordable for patients in the developing world through generic drugs. This has been possible by linking India’s patent policies and laws to public interest. Similarly, policies that align public funded R&D in India with public health have the potential to provide incentives to the development of medical technologies (vaccines, diagnostics and medicines) crucial for treating neglected diseases like...

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Boon or curse? Spotlight on Bt brinjal again!

Social networks like the twitter are abuzz with thought for food, and the Greenpeace India is preparing to cook world’s biggest ‘baigan bharta,’ to create public opinion against genetically modified crops. While the debate over the Bt. Brinjal heats up, the case of the humble ‘baigan’ is widely seen as the precursor for a flood of GM crops. (See links below for a wider picture). The Greenpeace has launched an on-line...

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Govt also erred on glacier claims by Jacob P Koshy

The State of Environment Report 2009, a report put out by the Union government that is meant to be an up-to-date official view on environmental issues says that “...Himalayan glaciers could disappear in the next 50 years” It may have gone on an offensive against a controversial report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on Indian glaciers disappearing by 2035, but till August, the ministry of environment and forests...

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