Total Matching Records found : 4031

Identifying a billion Indians

IN A small village north-west of Bangalore, peasants queue for identities. Each man fills in a form with his name and rough date of birth, or gets someone who can read to do it for him. He places his fingertips on one scanner and stares at another. A photograph of his face is snapped. These images are uploaded to a computer. Within a few weeks he will have an identity...

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SC slams food authority over choice of experts

The Supreme Court on Tuesday slammed the Food Safety and Standards Authority (FSSA) for constituting a panel of scientific experts in violation of the Food Safety Act, 2006, which mandates independent experts from the field to be part of this body. It struck down the panel as it housed representatives of various companies involved in the manufacturing of beverages and food products and directed FSSA to resconstitute it within two weeks. The...

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Tracking Nilekani by Latha Jishnu

If the Unique Identity project is such a good thing why is the man heading it unable to answer simple questions about it? Since the publication of his doorstopper of a book Imagining India in 2009, Nandan Nilekani has done a superb job of reinventing himself. The former head of software giant Infosys Technologies was overnight cast in the role of a visionary with his unabashedly free market prescription to turn...

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Jhum cultivation must stay with us!!! by ZK Pahrii Pou

These days, Jhum cultivation also known as ‘slash and burn method of cultivation’, ‘shifting cultivation’ etc has been under continuous scanner for its productivity and ecological viability. This form of cultivation is followed widely in almost all the North Eastern States including the hill areas of Manipur. There are those who consider jhum cultivation as unproductive and ecologically disastrous so that people (understood as tribal people of the hill areas)...

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High food prices forcing Indians to cut other spending, says Nielsen

THE boom in demand for apparel and mobile phones may soon be over as Indians plan to spend less on fun and entertainment to deal with rising food prices, a Nielsen study says. Indian consumers are extremely cautious about rising food prices and a sizeable section may defer purchases by 6-12 months, says the latest Nielsen global consumer confidence index released on Monday. Some companies, including LG Electronics and Future Group, agreed...

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