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Number Theory: How much does an average Indian earn? -Abhishek Jha

-Hindustan Times The average annual per capita income of households interviewed in the LASI survey conducted in 2017-18 is ₹44,901. This is just about 39% of the per capita income in the same year according to the National Account Statistics India’s per capita annual income in 2019-20 was ₹1,26,968, according to provisional estimates published on January 7. This average, given India’s large income inequality, is not representative of the earnings of average...

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There is no doubt that Indian higher education requires reforms -Tanuja Kothiyal and Arindam Banerjee

-The Indian Express Legal action against Scihub and Libgen frames problem of control and governance of knowledge in a globalised world. The recent litigations against Scihub and Libgen by Elsevier, Wiley and ACS bring us to a moment of many realisations about control and governance of knowledge in academia. In the latter half of the 20th century, globalisation led to the imperative of applying “global” standards to higher education. As global standards...

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Dr Alice Evans, lecturer at King’s College London and a faculty associate at Harvard’s Centre for International Development, interviewed by Rohan Venkataramakrishnan ( The author of the forthcoming ‘The Great Gender Divergence’ on how agriculture can explain why some parts of India are more gender-equal than others. Dr Alice Evans is a lecturer at King’s College London and a faculty associate at Harvard’s Centre for International Development. Taking inspiration from research on the great divergence – the idea that Western Europe saw tremendous socioeconomic shifts in the 19th century that led to industrial growth...

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Meghalaya woman faces social boycott for ‘exposing’ MGNREGA graft -Prasanta Mazumdar

-The New Indian Express She said she started facing the social boycott from the time she had lodged a complaint alleging corruption in MGNREGA implementation. GUWAHATI: A woman in Meghalaya alleged she was facing a social boycott in her village for “exposing” corruption in the implementation of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). Thrina Suchen, who hails from East Jaintia Hills, alleged that the village authorities had on November 30...

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Bihar’s failing PACS system shows what could happen after the farm laws -Akhilesh Pandey In 2006, the Bihar government deregulated the agricultural sector, and largely removed government oversight over food grain procurement. Previously a majority of food grain procurement happened through the Agricultural Produce Market Committee, a marketing board run by the state government that would organise mandis—wholesale markets—where farmers could directly sell their produce to the Food Corporation of India or the State Farming Corporation at the established minimum support price. The MSP...

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