-The Hindu Business Line The National Health Protection Scheme is promising but sketchy The National Health Protection Scheme (NHPS), which promises to provide a cover of ?5 lakh each to 10 crore households (50 crore people, or about 40 per cent of the population), marks a big step forward to make secondary and tertiary healthcare affordable to the poor. The initiative is likely to reduce “catastrophic” out-of-pocket expenses, which are estimated to...
Topping NITI AAYog Health Index may deprive Kerala of incentives -C Maya
-The Hindu Being at the top of the game is not always rewarding. So it would seem, going by Kerala’s story. In the first-ever Health Index initiative spearheaded by NITI AAYog, Kerala has emerged on top as far as overall performance is concerned. But in terms of incremental progress, it ranks 21 because the targets for many of the indicators by which the States are being measured were achieved by Kerala way...
More »Health Budget Could Have Been About People, But Now It's About Markets -Ravi Duggal
-TheWire.in The Budget speech pitch of ‘Swastha Bharat’ as ‘Samridha Bharat’ is deception, because the allocation for realising that is missing. Each year when the Budget is tabled in parliament, there is excitement and expectations. Should we say this used to be? Things have changed dramatically over the years. In the good old days, during the Budget session, we would wait excitedly to know about the price hike in petrol, diesel and kerosene....
More »Will Use Formula That Farmers Want: Niti AAYog Boss On Budget Pledge -Mala Das
-NDTV Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had announced a 1.5-time hike in MSP or minimum support price for certain crops in his budget. But how that would pan out had farmers' groups worried. One of the biggest announcements in this year's budget was the promise to fix minimum support prices, the price at which the government buys crops from farmers, at 50 per cent over their cost of production. But the decision has...
More »For India's Farmers, Budget 2018 Is Nothing but a Hoax -Kirankumar Vissa
-TheWire.in The finance minister has made a big announcement on minimum support price, but he should make it clear whether all he is promising is to take the prices back to the UPA-II levels. The government has done it again. Like last year, there has been much hype about a pro-farmer Budget, but in actuality it rests on misleading claims which don’t address the farming crisis. Last year, the agriculture credit target...
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