The former Samajwadi Party leader, Amar Singh on Monday challenged the father-son duo Shanti Bhushan and Prashant Bhushan to prove that the controversial CD allegedly containing a conversation between Mr. Shanti Bhushan and him (Amar Singh) and SP chief Mulayam Singh on a legal deal was fake and asked the Bhushans to step down from the joint drafting panel on the Lokpal Bill. Addressing a news conference here, Mr. Amar Singh...
Govt says yes to joint panel, no to Anna Hazare as chairman
The massive and spontaneous outpouring of support for social activist Anna Hazare's crusade against corruption has forced the government to sit up, take notice and say yes to a joint committee to draft the Lokpal Bill. But it is holding out on agreeing to Anna Hazare heading that panel. On the third day of Anna's fast, the government reached out first with an offer to set up an informal group, including...
More »Hazare insists on joint panel to draft Lokpal Bill
72-year-old Hazare, who has lost 1.5 kg in the past three days, said there was no need for anyone to worry about his health as he can go with the fast for another seven days As his fast-unto-death on the Lokpal issue entered the third day, Gandhian Anna Hazare on Thursday stuck to the demand for a joint committee of civil society members and government representatives to draft a strong Lokpal...
More »Centre says it's ready for talks with Anna Hazare by Sandeep Joshi
Show courage, fasting social activist tells Manmohan With more members of civil society and various political parties lending support for Anna Hazare's fast, which entered the second day on Wednesday, the Centre said it was ready for a Dialogue with the anti-corruption crusader and was open to suggestions on the Lokpal Bill. Earlier in the day, Mr. Hazare wrote to the Prime Minister stating that he was pained that the government, rather...
More »A soldier rises against the government by G Vishnu
Anna Hazare has turned a simple idea into mass frenzy Jantar Mantar, one of the few places in Delhi where the government of India allows protests, is suddenly being termed as “India’s Tahrir Square”. On a hot summer day, over 600 people have turned up at the spot. Three young girls from an elite college in Delhi have appeared, wearing dark shades. “Is he the man?” one of them asks her friends....
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