-The New Indian Express The latest data from the World Bank shows that around 60.3 per cent of India's land area is agricultural. India Brand Equity Foundation, a trust established by the ministry of commerce and industry, confirms this. At 157.35 million hectares, India holds the second largest agricultural land, next only to the US. This should set at rest the fears that have been raised in the aftermath of the...
“Zero-budget farming can curb farmers’ suicide”
-The Hindu VIJAYAWADA: There is no need for farmers to commit due to debt burden, if they practise ‘zero-budget natural farming', said Subhash Palekar, organic farming crusader. Addressing farmers from 17 districts in AP and Telangana at a workshop on his model of farming, Mr Palekar said farmers could cultivate 30 acres profitably using farm yard manure generated by one cow or buffalo. The farmers did not need to invest money on...
More »Pesticide on your plate -Pritha Chatterjee & Aniruddha Ghosal
-The Indian Express New Delhi: Vegetables are the noble folk of food world, loved equally by doctors and grandmothers. Vegetarians live off them and meat-eaters are told to live off them. But in Delhi, under every crunchy leaf of radish or the shiny brinjal hide dangerous amounts of Pesticides that can slowly kill, shows a new study by JNU. Pritha Chatterjee and Aniruddha Ghosal report how growers, consumers and the authorities may...
More »Yamuna water not fit even for bathing, says pollution board report -Bhadra Sinha
-The Hindustan Times New Delhi: Despite the Supreme Court's intervention and attempt to clean the Yamuna in Delhi, the level of pollution in the river remains toxic with the water not even fit for bathing. According to a recent survey report submitted by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) before the top court, on most months, the river Yamuna is clogged with additives such as Pesticides, garbage, grease and effluents. The report, submitted...
More »India has enough land for farming but there are other bigger issues to worry about -Vivek Kaul
-FirstPost.com One of the fears that has been raised in the aftermath of the government promulgating an ordinance to amend the Land Acquisition Act is that land will be taken away for other purposes and given that, the amount of land used for farming will come down dramatically. This is a very specious argument that is being made. Data from World Bank shows that around 60.3 percent of India's land area is...
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