-The Times of India Market leader IndianOil on Monday reduced petrol price by 56 paise to pass on to consumers the benefit of the rupee's growing strength against the dollar in recent times. The fuel will cost Rs 67.90 a litre at IndianOil's pumps in Delhi against Rs 68.46 due to higher incidence of state tax while the price in Mumbai will come down by 71 paise to Rs 74.43 a litre....
Effort to save midday meals
-The Telegraph Union minister Kapil Sibal has promised measures to ensure that the Centre’s curbs on cooking-gas subsidy would not derail the midday meal scheme that serves eight crore children in 12 lakh elementary schools. The Telegraph had reported on Wednesday that self-help groups had stopped preparing midday meals in over 50 primary schools in North 24-Parganas since Monday saying they could not afford the cylinders’ new price. Chief minister Mamata Banerjee had...
More »LPG price up by Rs 11.42 after dealer commission is marked up; petrol, diesel rates may go up
-PTI The price of liquefied Petroleum gas (LPG) used as cooking gas has been increased by Rs 11.42 per cylinder after the government decided to raise the commission paid to dealers. Petrol and diesel prices may also go up marginally as the oil ministry is thinking of raising the dealers’ commission by at least 23 paisa and 10 paisa a litre respectively. On Friday, the ministry issued orders raising the commission paid to...
More »Non-subsidized LPG refill at Rs 883, set to go up further- Piyush Pandey
-The Economic Times Housewives can expect tough times ahead maintaining household budgets as all indicators suggest that prices of non-subsidized domestic cooking gas cylinders are expected to go up till March, 2013, much before they exhaust their quota of another three subsidized cooking gas cylinders. This is because the price of domestic liquefied Petroleum gas (LPG or cooking gas) has been linked to international gas prices which typically shoots up during the...
More »Kelkar for hike in PDS price -Ashok Dasgupta
-The Hindu In its report on the road map to fiscal consolidation, the three-member committee headed by the former Finance Secretary and 13th Finance Commission Chairman, Vijay L. Kelkar, has suggested a host of “bold reform” measures on ways of slashing the subsidy bill which, it admitted, would result in some short term pain and hardships. The committee’s recommendations also include sale of surplus land with public sector undertakings (PSUs), fast-tracking of...
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