-The Hindu For, interview was telecast after charge sheet was filed in the case The Supreme Court on Friday set aside a Delhi High Court order allowing the plea of an accused in the December 16, 2012 Delhi gang Rape case to use as evidence a CD containing the interview of the victim's friend. A Bench of Chief Justice Altamas Kabir and Justices M.Y. Eqbal and Vikramajit Sen had on March 22 stayed...
Blood, sweat and tears-Alok Gupta
-Down to Earth For RTI activists of Bihar the cost of exposing corruption is life Twenty-year-old Rahul Kumar, a right to information (RTI) activist, knew the land mafia was behind his parents' murder. His mother and father were involved in a land dispute in Muzaffarpur's Sirisia Jagdish village. Barely a week after filing an RTI application to seek information about the murderers, Kumar was kidnapped. A day later, on March 10, 2012,...
More »SC asks why a 'private businessman of Mumbai' is given Z-class security
-DNA The Supreme Court on Wednesday questioned the Centre's decision to grant state security to a "private businessman from Mumbai" and not paying heed to the security of the common man. "A five-year-old girl would not have been raped if there was proper security in the capital," the court said, referring to the recent kidnapping and rape of a minor by her neighbour in New Delhi. The court did not name Mukesh...
More »SC points to Ambani, questions cover for rich -Dhananjay Mahapatra
-The Times of India The Supreme Court on Wednesday frowned upon official security cover being provided to the rich, saying if the government and police had been alive to providing adequate security to citizens, then 5/6-year-olds would not have been raped in the country. Even though the government's decision to provide paid security cover through CISF personnel to one of the world's richest businessmen, Mukesh Ambani, did not figure specifically during the...
More »The problem with porn -Mrinal Pande
-The Indian Express Can pornography be given free play when the state remains an integral expression of male power? There are many things we need to know that we wish we did not have to. The existence of domestic violence against women and children is one of them. The use of pornography as a tool for learning and justifying such brutal behaviour, is another. We have lived in denial of links between...
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