-The Indian Express Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh, on Tuesday, directed the government officials to circulate the instructions immediately. Shimla: In an innovative way to fight caste discrimination in schools, Himachal Pradesh government has decided to serve mid-day meals as per the roll number of students. Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh on Tuesday directed the government officials to circulate the instructions immediately and said if anyone was found violating the instructions, action in accordance with...
'Eggs not needed in mid-day meals'
-The Times of India Ahmedabad: In response to a public interest litigation (PIL) asking for implementation of National Food Security Act in Gujarat, the state government has submitted to the Supreme Court that there is no need to provide eggs to children, as part of the mid-day meal scheme in the state. The PIL has been filed by NGO Swaraj Abhiyan, which also asked that milk and eggs should be provided...
More »Egg off mid-day meal menu -KM Dayashankar
-The Hindu KARIMNAGAR (Telengana): Thanks to the escalation of prices, the serving of nutritious egg in the mid-day meal scheme is becoming a distant dream in majority of the government schools in the district. Besides, with the steep increase of prices of pulses such as red gram and sky-rocketing prices of the vegetables due to the prevailing drought conditions, students of various government schools are unable to get the nutritious food promised...
More »Gujarat: Patan shifts kids, no more separate caste anganwadis -Ritu Sharma
-The Indian Express Nine children from anganwadi No. 159, which had only Dalit children, have been shifted to No. 160, while 19 children from the Thakore, Patel and Rawal communities in No. 160 have now gone to No. 159. Hajipur (Patan): Three months after The Indian Express reported about a separate anganwadi for Dalit children in Gujarat’s Patan district, the state government has taken corrective steps. Nine children from anganwadi No. 159,...
More »The invisible drought -Harsh Mander
-The Indian Express We have turned our back to the intense food and drinking water distress across states India has transformed spectacularly in innumerable ways in the last two decades. One of the least noted changes is in the way the country — governments, the press and people — respond to drought and food scarcities. Back in the late-1980s, many states across India were reeling under back-to-back droughts for three consecutive years, not...
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