-Daily Bhaskar On Saturday, Central Information Commissioner (CIC) Shailesh Gandhi said that the Right To Information (RTI) was under threat due to the increasing number of appeals pending before information commissioners in the country. He was speaking as chief guest at a regional workshop sponsored by the directorate of personnel and training on 'Proactive disclosures: the way forward'. The workshop was organised by Yashwantrao Chavan Academy of Development Administration (Yashada). Delegates from...
Centre in a bind over K'taka HC order on MNREGA by Subodh Ghildiyal
Chastened by the 'poverty line' controversy painting the Centre as insensitive to 'aam aadmi', the government is wary of challenging a Karnataka high court order which slammed the state for paying MGNREGA workers less than the minimum farm wages. The court said that job scheme wages could not be less than the minimum agricultural wages and ordered that workers be paid the arrears. The HC order would put an additional burden of...
More »Shailesh Gandhi, Information Commissioner interviewed by Priyanka
Information Commissioner Shailesh Gandhi sold off his business in 2003 to do something relevant. The Indian Institute of Technology-Mumbai alumnus soon became a prolific user of the Right To Information Act and filed more than 800 RTI applications. He was appointed the Information Commissioner at the Central Information Commission, New Delhi, in 2008. In this freewheeling interview with rediff.com's Priyanka, Gandhi says that appellants must understand that law describes 'information' as something...
More »Bharatpur clashes: Cops file five FIRs
-The Times of India Even as chief minister Ashok Gehlot met the families of the victims of Bharatpur communal clash, the police on Saturday told the one-man inquiry commission that they have registered five FIRs since the violence broke out on September 15. The police also said they registered a case against imam Abdul Rashid for disturbing peace through his provocative statements. The opposition BJP has demanded action against him. Nine...
More »Targeting Dalits by S Dorairaj
The police action against Dalits in Paramakudi leaves indelible scars on the psyche of the oppressed people all over Tamil Nadu. The Tamil Nadu Police, in its modern avatar, reflects a glorious tradition of over a century and a half. It was the only force to embark on State-sponsored modernisation in the early 1990s which was pioneered by me during my first tenure as Chief Minister from 1991 to 1996....
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