-The Times of India DEHRADUN: Uttarkhand lost 60 leopards and tigers, who were declared man-eaters, in over 19 years, according to forest department data. This year, two leopards — one in Haridwar and the other in Narendra Nagar — have already been killed after they were declared man-eaters. All these big cats, INCluding 56 leopards and four tigers, were eliminated by shooters as they posed threat to human lives. Please click...
Gyan Prakash, Dayton-Stockton Professor of History at PrINCeton University, interviewed by Varghese K George
-The Hindu There are many parallels but also important differences between the current protests and the JP movement of the 70s, says this eminent historian A historian of modern India, Gyan Prakash is the Dayton-Stockton Professor of History at PrINCeton University and author of the 2018 book Emergency Chronicles: Indira Gandhi and Democracy’s Turning Point. He compares the current situation in the country to the turmoil of the 70s. Excerpts: * How would...
More »Pesticide Management Bill 2020 must address important concerns -Vineet Kumar
-Down to Earth This is because agriculture in India is largely dependent on chemicals INCluding pesticides and their usage has a huge impact on the health of humans, animals, bio-diversity and the environment Pesticides are regulated in India through the Insecticides Act, 1968 and Insecticides Rules, 1971. The experience in administering this Act over the last five decades has exposed certain gaps which spurred the need to propose a new law. The Pesticide...
More »India to witness severe food inflation due to extreme weather -Richard Mahapatra
-Down to Earth The record-breaking vegetable price rise indicates an era of high food inflation in coming years Rising prices of food items, particularly that of vegetables, have spiked retail inflation to a 68-month high of 7.59 per cent in January 2020, according to the National Statistical Office. While the inflation figure captured headlines, a crucial analysis of the reasons behind this sustained INCrease in food prices slipped public attention. Extreme weather events...
More »Raw deal for farmers -Vijoo Krishnan
-Frontline.in The Budget lacks any serious effort to address the main issues of unemployment, agrarian distress and falling INComes, revealing a high level of official insensitivity. A Budget during a time of recession, INCreasing unemployment, agrarian distress, falling INComes, demand constraint and malnutrition would have done well to first acknowledge the mess that policies have created and then taken steps to provide employment, boost rural INComes, INCrease purchasing power and thereby demand. Coming...
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