The Food Corporation of India (FCI) wants to outsource India's food security. CNN-IBN through a Right to Information (RTI) exposes a food scam in the making. Father of the green revolution Professor MS Swaminathan calls it a national disaster. The government did a poor job of both storing and distributing foodgrains and let thousands of tonnes simply lie and rot. "Outsource India's food security" that is what the Chairman and Managing Director...
Experts group examines NAC recommendations on Bill by Gargi Parsai
Food Ministry asked how it proposed to reform PDS to plug leakages “Present procurement of foodgrains is between 50 and 55 million tonnes” In the first meeting on Friday of the experts group set up by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to examine the recommendations of the National Advisory Council (NAC) on the proposed National Food Security Bill, senior officials were asked to come up with firm calculations. Chairman of the Prime Minister's Economic...
More »India lacks in enough foodgrains stocks for exports: FCI
India does not have enough surplus stocks of foodgrains for exports in the short-term and the country needs to boost its farm production significantly, to meet the expected rise in domestic demand by 2020, a top official of FCI said on Wednesday. "The country has adequate stock of foodgrains to meet our needs...there is not much surplus availability of the food grains for export in the short-term," Food Corporation of...
More »Oiling the oilseeds economy
Edible oil imports have surged to a record 9.24 million tonnes last year and were estimated to be nearly Rs 38,000 crore. They have emerged as the third most important import item, next only to petroleum products and gold. India is now the world’s largest importer of cooking fats, meeting more than half of its requirement through overseas supplies. Considering the country’s huge and fast-growing demand for cooking oils, such...
More »World food prices may rise from 31-101% by 2050
A projected global population of 9 billion concentrated mostly in the developing world and a higher income level alone are enough to put pressure on world’s supply of food grains. But with changes in temperature levels and rainfall pattern beyond an acceptable limit on account of climate change, the pressures on food prices can be expected to enormous. World prices of staple food grains are projected to rise from anywhere...
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