Total Matching Records found : 3541

India's Generation Next at risk

For a country looking to reap its demographic dividend when most other economies would be struggling to cope with ageing populations, the health of India’s under-five population should be a huge concern. Almost half (48%) of children under the age of five are stunted, or too short for their age, and 43% are underweight, according to the National Family Health Survey of 2005-06 (NFHS-3). The primary cause, finds the survey,...

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Politics of Disability Estimates in India: A Research Note by Vikash Kumar

Introduction The phenomenon of disability is one of the pressing problems in the world. According to the projections of international agencies, about 10 per cent of the population are affected with physical, mental, sensory and other forms of impairments and around 75 per cent of the disabled population are concentrated in the rural and inaccessible areas of the developing societies. This data is based on recent studies carried out in various...

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World Bank’s $1b loan for JNNURM to come with strings

A team from the World Bank will be in New Delhi soon to work out the nitty-gritties of a $1-billion loan to the urban development ministry for carrying forward the cash-starved flagship scheme for upgrading urban infrastructure, the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM). There would, however, be conditionalities attached to the use of the fund as it would be reform-linked and only select states would get access to...

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Slums defy a 'concrete' answer by Sanjeev Sanyal

There is every sign that India is launching into a period of rapid urbanisation. In the next 30 years, an additional 350 million people will have to be accommodated in our existing towns as well as in brand new urban spaces. Given our inability to cater to even the existing urban population, there are serious concerns about our ability to deal with the influx. Are we entering a world of...

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Reform the reformer by Sumit Mitra

The convulsions that have gripped the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) — India’s flagship city development programme — with only three years to go for the termination of its assigned lifespan of seven years, is symptomatic of the country’s predilection to put politics above all other issues, including the vital ones. The Mission, aimed at pulling India’s 63 cities out of their dilapidation, which is somewhat reminiscent of...

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